Iron Mountain ski jump

Iron Mountain ski jump

Friday, March 5, 2021


 CHRIST IN WINTER: Reflections on Faith & Life for the Years of Winter


I wonder now why I was so in love with Margaret O’Brien when I was in grade school. I saw a current picture of her on-line. I mean, she looks like an old woman.

She is only 20 days older than I, the same as the late Joe Frazier, of The Chad Mitchell Trio, the best folk-singing group of the 1960s. You wouldn’t think that 20 days would make her look so much older than I, but...

I was talking on the phone with Joe one day and asked him if he remembered that he was so much older than I. “How can I forget it when you remind me all the time?” he said. I probably wouldn’t say anything to Margaret about her being so much older, being in love with her for so long, and all.

I really fell in love with Margaret when we were in 5th grade. I saw a photo of her in one of those little newspapers for kids they gave out at school. She was holding the same 5th grade textbook that my class used. That sealed it. The same book! How much more in common could we have? It was destiny, I was sure, that we should meet and….

I wasn’t quite sure what would happen once we met, but if I had known then that she was making more money than Judy Garland for “Meet Me in St. Louis,” I would have tried a lot harder to get acquainted. In fact, she was at age six one of the highest paid stars in Hollywood. That’s a good quality in a girlfriend.

It’s surely best for Margaret that she doesn’t know what she missed out on, but it’s just as well that Margaret and I went our separate ways, for I ended up marrying a younger woman. Her birthday is tomorrow. Helen is fourteen months younger than Margaret and me. How can I forget it, when she keeps reminding me?

John Robert McFarland


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