Iron Mountain ski jump

Iron Mountain ski jump

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


CHRIST IN WINTER: Reflections on Faith & Life for the Years of Winter:



God, when a man is old

can just naming someone

be counted as a prayer?

I mean, time is limited

now. And it’s hard to believe

that you count

the lines I intone

to be divinely sure

that the minimum

qualifications are met

So, if I just name them

one by one, Bob and Carol

and Ted and Alice,

you’ll surely

get the idea, I’m sure…

but, oh, what about those

fading folk whose names

I can’t remember?

That’s a bit of a problem

these days. Will it work

if I only see their faces,

as in a mirror, dimly

and say, Here’s a prayer

for the unknown sinner?

And what about the bastards—

well, I’m just being realistic--

I pray for not because I want to

but because you say I have to?

Shouldn’t a prayer

for someone I don’t like

count double?

You’d think that by the age

we are now, God,

you and me,

we’d have already

gotten this worked out…


John Robert McFarland



  1. There are bastards out there for sure. Yesterday I was driving a car in a parking lot and got passed. Boy, was I angry. But I must forgive.
    From my experience time usually helps in the forgiveness process.
    But sometimes even with the passage of time, it is hard to forgive. But forgive I must. I want to forgive. Lord, help me to forgive.
