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Iron Mountain ski jump

Sunday, May 26, 2024

BEYOND WINTER: The Irrelevant Musings of an Old Man—BEING FULLY KNOWN [Sun, 5-26-24]


As host of TV’s The Late Show, Stephen Colbert gives to celebrity guests “The Colbert Questionnaire.” As you answer the questions, you become “fully known.” The questions are things like “Which is the best sandwich?” and “Apples or Oranges?” And… “What happens to us when we die?” That one gets some interesting answers.

As folks answer the questions, I do, too, just so I’ll be prepared in case I’m ever on the show to push my latest movie, which is the reason most people are invited onto The Late Show. So…

Best sandwich? Peanut butter and Velveeta on whole grain bread.

Cats or dogs? Dogs.

Apples or oranges? Oranges.

Favorite action movie? Hombre.

Only one song for the rest of your life? Pachelbel’s Canon.

Favorite smell? Lilacs.

Least favorite smell? Billionaires.

What happens when we die? I really trust God for that. As John Wesley summed up all his years of activity on his death bed, “The best thing is, God is with us.” What that means, doesn’t matter.

If there is a heaven where we meet old friends and dogs, I’ll be okay with that.

If I am simply subsumed into the stardust from which we all came, I’ll be okay with that, too, for it is the fulfillment of God’s presence. The best thing is, God is with us.

Okay, now you know me fully.

John Robert McFarland

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