Iron Mountain ski jump

Iron Mountain ski jump

Monday, August 1, 2016


EAT AND GET OUT! That’s the slogan of The Village Deli, on Kirkwood Ave. It’s in the handwriting on the walls. The friendly waiters wear t-shirts that proclaim it. It’s on the menus.

We ate there once. We got out.

That’s sort of the slogan of life, isn’t it? Eat and get out. Especially if you’re old. You can’t do much else except eat and get out.

Except we have a daughter with cancer, for the third time. Another one who has to make a hurried and harried move. A grandson who has to change schools as he starts his junior year. An old friend who has had several heart attacks following a stroke. Another old friend, and colleague, who is in the hospital with a brain aneurism. And…

Before we can get out, we have some difficulty journeys to walk, with others, and one of these days, alone.

So we’ll eat a while longer, sharing the loaf and cup of community, before we get out.


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