Iron Mountain ski jump

Iron Mountain ski jump

Saturday, March 14, 2020

AGAINST [Sat, 3-14-20]

When Bob Butts and I discuss college football each week in the fall, we are just deciding which teams we are against. He’s always FOR one team, MSU [the one in Mississippi] and I’m always FOR one team, IU. Beyond that, we look at each upcoming game not in terms of which team we want to win, but which team we want to lose. He’s especially in favor of Notre Dame and Louisiana State losing, and I’m especially in favor of Michigan and Ohio State losing. But we don’t stop there; we can pick a preferred loser for every game that week.

There is something intriguing about being “against.” That’s the appeal of the political/religious right, I think. They are defined by what they are against.

They, of course, will tell you they are defined by what they are for. “We are for making America great against.” But their great America is identified by all the things they are against—foreigners, non-Christians, socialists, and… especially… science.

They would probably not name science as their main bugaboo, but as I try to come up with one category that explains all their againsts, it is science.

I had a conversation with a neighbor about climate change. It wasn’t a long conversation, because he was sure of the final truth of his pronouncement that climate change is a hoax, and even if it is real, human activity has nothing to do with it. Since we live in a university community, I thought it was reasonable to appeal to science, which says the opposite of what he believes about climate change.

He replied, “As an engineer, I’m well aware of the limits of science.”

That is not a totally stupid statement. Science does have limits, and it doesn’t take an engineer to recognize them.

On the other hand, it’s a ludicrous statement, to think that an engineer knows more about climate change than climate scientists do.

And it’s clear that the political/religious right is willing to accept the benefits of science. They like automobiles and computers and TVs… oh, but wait. Those are not from science, they are the results of engineering.

To the right, political or religious or both together, there is a great difference between science and engineering.

Of course, all engineering, from Galileo and Ford and Edison on, all inventions, are based on science, on Euclid and Newton and their ilk. But to the right, science is different.

Scientists are the ones who deny God because they believe in quantum fields and evolution and big bangs. They are the ones who believe in human equality, who think people who are not Americans or Christians or white or capitalists are just as good because we all come from the same original gene pool. [You’d think Christians would have no problem with that one, because of the Garden of Eden story, but scientists claim our common ancestor was black, so…] They’re the ones who believe in stem cell research. They’re the ones who don’t accept “it’s the will of God” each time something bad happens.

Engineers can provide us with flush toilets and aerosol hair spray without believing in evolution.

Engineering is capitalism. Science is an equalizer.

That’s why the religious right has sold its soul so completely to the political right. It can have the benefits of engineering and still be against science. It can even use engineering to deny science.

Elections are like football games. We don’t vote for someone to win, we vote for someone to lose. I know who I’m against in 2020…

John Robert McFarland

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