Iron Mountain ski jump

Iron Mountain ski jump

Friday, April 3, 2020


It’s much nosier than usual in our small condo. The laundry equipment runs a lot. So does the vacuum, with grunts and groans and sighs from the guy pushing it. The corona virus requires a lot of noisy cleaning. It’s confusing if I’m trying to listen to something on YouTube or a video post on Facebook, to have it competing with the washing machine.

All the noise was confusing for that dog, too.

It was in Kansas City, when the major leagues were first moving west. The As went from Philadelphia to KC before going on later to Oakland. KC wasn’t quite ready, and the As had to play in an antiquated minor league park in the beginning. It was so antiquated that it was porous. One day a dog got onto the field.

The crowd began to shout. The dog ran to first base. The players yelled at it. The dog ran to second. This was getting exciting. The umpires yelled at it. The dog ran to third. By then, everybody was yelling: Go for home! Bite the umpire!

The dog, though, ran no more. It just sat there, on third, so close to home and yet so far away, until the grounds crew took it off the field.

A very smart sports writer said: “The problem was, in all that yelling crowd, the dog could not pick out the voice of a master.”

There is a lot of yelling going on right now. Lots of voices. Try to pick out the voice of a master. Better yet, listen for the voice of The Master.


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