BEYOND WINTER: The Irrelevant Curses of An Old Man--SWEARING FOR LENT [F, 3-8-25]
In my constant search for Lenten disciplines that will help me grow spiritually, I came across this fascinating article in The 7, [daily email] of The Washington Post of 3-4-25.
“Experts” are suggesting that swearing might be good for you. “It can increase pain tolerance, bolster social bonds, improve memory, and alleviate the social pain of rejection. An expert suggests trying it out by cursing steadily while performing a painful task.”
It is interesting that this article followed several about the activities of Donald Trump.
It seems to me that “the social pain of rejection” might be a Catch 22, since a lot of social rejection comes because of cursing, but what do I know; I grew up in a culture where emitting a “Hell” was likely to get you sent there.
Since I have quite a bit of pain these days, though, in my right hip…and ankle…and in between, and Extra Strength Tylenol and Penetrex and Physical Therapy seem to be helping only a little, and my social bonds are frayed, because people keep dying, and my memory could use some improvement, and dentists keep rejecting me, because I’m unwilling to pay $500 for a new-patient appointment, [our former dentist retired] I think I’ll try out this cursing method...
Shucky durn! Hells bells! Pig feathers! Golly darn! Holy smoke! Thunderation! By hokies!
By gosh, it helps!
Well, maybe. I was only sitting on my sofa. I’m not sure that qualifies as “…performing a painful task,” since my sofa is already the best pain relief I know. If you have a “painful task” to perform, come over to my house, and I’ll let you sit on the other end of the sofa. [It’s pretty long.] It may do you more good than swearing.
John Robert McFarland
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