Iron Mountain ski jump

Iron Mountain ski jump

Monday, March 20, 2017


CHRIST IN WINTER: Reflections on Life & Faith for the Years of Winter

MY WIFE HAS NO MIDDLE NAME                                   M, 3-20-17

It is not always bad
or wrong, to fall
despite the state
of Adam and Eve
or even the snake
on the way out
through the eastern gate

Neither Adam nor Eve
nor the snake
had a middle name

With no middle name
to mark them different,
it is a miracle
God did not confuse
them with some other Adam or Eve
or snake

My wife has no name
except for Helen

That one name
was enough
to make me fall
and to keep me
in that fallen state


Neither Helen nor her sister, Mary, has a middle name. There are two theories about this. One is that since their father, Earl, was the last Karr, and had no sons, his daughters could extend the family name one more generation by using Karr as their middle name. However, Georgia, their mother, said it was so if they turned out stupid, they could at least spell their names.

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