Iron Mountain ski jump

Iron Mountain ski jump

Thursday, January 21, 2021


CHRIST IN WINTER: Reflections on Faith & Life for the Years of Winter


The curse of old age is not irrelevancy. I have made my peace with being irrelevant, that no one wants my input on anything. The real curse is helplessness.

We were forcefully reminded, by the assault on the major citadel of democracy on Jan. 6, that our society has extreme problems. I’m too old and decrepit, both body and mind, to be helpful in dealing with those social problems. But I want my children and grandchildren to live in a just and whole society. I care so much about that, and I can do so little. Except…

…I decided that I could and should stand in the doorway against any anti-democratic mob that would try to storm Congress again or disrupt the inauguration of President Biden and VP Harris. I’m old, and due to die soon, anyway. It’s a small sacrifice to make to try to insure a democratic nation for my grandchildren.

My intention was not to engage in fisticuffs with the Proud Boys and White Power guys. I couldn’t do it very well, having no experience, and also being weak of limb as well as mind. But if I stood there, in the way, they would have to go through me, and that would at least be a witness, and slow them down a little bit. My answer to the irrelevance and helplessness of old age, which I learned in the grocery store, back when we could go in person to the grocery: old people are really good at simply getting in the way.

We were told, though, not to come to Washington for the inauguration, so I couldn’t stand in the Capital door. However, we were also told that the children of the dark web were planning aggression at state houses, the homes of governors and legislators, and court houses. So there were other doors in which I could stand.

I don’t know where my legislators live, and it is too far to go to the state house in Indianapolis to take my place in its door, should the Nazis and their ilk try to take that the government of the reddest state in the union because it is socialist. We know it is socialist because the governor wears an anti-virus mask and encourages others to do so.

No, the road to Indianapolis is fraught with peril. The I-69 destruction, especially through Martinsville, makes it a two-hour drive, which means, for me, a bathroom stop on the way, but a gas station bath room during a virus pandemic is definitely a bad idea.

Thus I decided on standing in the door of the county court house. I told my plan to my Crumble Bum friends, and Ron reminded me that with the 4th Street parking garage torn down and its replacement not finished yet, it’s hard to get a parking place downtown.

So, what to do if you’re totally useless in old age? There isn’t much, but I haven’t given up on the idea of standing in the doorway, should that become necessary, even though it wasn’t necessary yesterday, Inauguration Day. Could you give me a ride to downtown so I won’t have to find a parking spot?

John Robert McFarland

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