Iron Mountain ski jump

Iron Mountain ski jump

Sunday, April 29, 2018

MAY IS FOR DYING-a poem [Sun, 4-29-18]

Undertakers and preachers know that October and May are the dying months. The prettiest months are the dying months. It’s easier to understand when you are closer to dying. If you don’t want to take another winter, you die in October. If you’ve gone ahead into winter, when it is finally over, and you have endured, it’s okay to die. In May.

MAY IS FOR DYING-a poem            [Sun, 4-29-18]

April is the cruelest month
but May is the month
for dying
when daffodils
and robins feel
the frost go limp
beneath their feet
and the understudies
of maple leaves
propeller down
when snow has finally lost
its last and dirty hope
then we die
to spite the winter


A CIW BONUS: I recently mentioned my first pastoral appointment, The Methodist Church in Solsberry, IN. In their membership book, certain people were marked as “puny and feeble” to explain why they did not come to church but should be kept on the membership rolls anyway. I think that should be a standard addition to the membership categories: Full Member; Associate Member; Constituent; Puny and Feeble. 

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