Iron Mountain ski jump

Iron Mountain ski jump

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Old Cary Grant Fine

Back in the days of telegraphs, before one could check anything and everything on the net, a film magazine writer needed to be sure of Cary Grant's age before finishing an article. He sent a telegram to Grant's agent: How old Cary Grant? [One paid by the word, so telegrams started the Twitter/texting language of today.]

Grant himself was at his agent's and telegraphed back: Old Cary Grant fine; how you?

Or, in the language of the hymnal: Is it well with your soul?

1 comment:

  1. I've loved this joke for years. Another one I heard/read at the same time was of a grammarian who felt that the word "news" should be plural. He sent a telegram to a reporter, "Are there any news?", the response came back, "Not a new." Well, I've always loved that joke, and every time I see D. reading the paper,(daily) I say, "Are there any news?" He doesn't respond a la the joke, though.
