Iron Mountain ski jump

Iron Mountain ski jump

Monday, June 10, 2024

PRIDE MONTH [M, 6-10-24]

BEYOND WINTER: Irrelevant Musings of an Old Man—PRIDE MONTH [M, 6-10-24]


I don’t like Pride Month. People become desperate to show that they don’t hate gay folks. Someone even stole the rainbow ribbon from Helen’s name tag at church.

I don’t think we should have special months for minority groups. Good grief, we’ve got them now for women [not exactly a minority group] and people of color, and Latino heritage, and Pacific & Islands, and…

Tig Notaro, one of my favorite comedians, was recently telling Steven Colbert about driving her kids to school. She and her wife have had twin sons since infancy. [The infancy of the sons, not the mothers.] The boys are almost 8 now. Tig and her wife were in the front seat of the car, and one of them said something about Pride Month. One of the boys suddenly perked up and said, “What? You’re gay?”

He knew he had two mothers. He just hadn’t considered that they were gay.

That’s the way every month should be. We don’t even notice who’s what color or gender or heritage. I mean, straight white guys like me don’t get a special month… oh, wait. We don’t need one, do we?

As Rosanna Rosannadanna used to say, “Never mind.”

John Robert McFarland


  1. I don't have any problems with different groups of people having their special month. However, it would be nice to have a special month for me too - Straight White Male Month. It hurts my feelings when people opine that my group is the cause of many of society's problems. For example, some members of my group are pejoratively labeled as members of the Incel community. Not all straight white males do antisocial things. It's wrong to use a broad brush to label groups of people.

    1. When you get the calendar people to put a SWM month in, David, you and I must get together to celebrate!
